Saturday 21 June 2008

McConaughey Gone Wild In Nicaragua

Matthew McConaughey's wild ways got out of hand during a surfing trip to Nicaragua last week (06-07Jun08) when the movie star had to be carried out of a bar after drunkenly hitting on every woman in sight. The Sahara star, who is expecting his first child with Brazilian model girlfriend Camila Alves later this summer , stunned locals at The Iguana bar in San Juan Del Sur with his behaviour. And, after chatting up beautiful women during a drunken spree on Friday night , the actor returned on Saturday for another hellraising night. One local who snapped photos of wild McConaughey in action says, "He was so drunk he did stuff only a drunk guy would do. He was acting like an 18 year old." After reportedly passing out in a ditch on Friday, McConaughey went one better the following night, according to fellow revellers, and had to be carried out of the bar. One local, called Amber, claims McConaughey drunkenly chatted her and a roommate up, but lost his cool when he misplaced his flip-flops. She tells WENN, "He stood on a table, screaming in drunk, broken Spanish, 'I've lost my flip-flops.'" Then, when he realised his antics were being filmed, he ripped the camera out of one girl's hands and attempted to break it. When he failed, he reportedly grabbed the girl taking the pictures and started dancing with her. She says, "He was dancing with a ton of women but he was too drunk to go home with any of them." McConaughey told locals he was in Nicaragua alone after cutting short a trip to Costa Rica. One local explains, "He was on his own, which impressed everyone at first, but the guy drank everything and by the time he was carried out on Saturday night, everyone had lost respect for him."

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